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Project management

Project planning and sheduling is both art and science.The planning process is creative and reflects  each planner’s appproach and style.Even though the Project plan is unique to the approach and style  of the planner,there are methods for developing the shdule and documenting the resulting plan  typically follow certain patterns.These include:
• -İdentification of project resources ,
• -development of project’s timeline ,
• -deciding on project  budget and milestones
• -determining the schedule of activities
We plan to:
-Continually  forecast  the  workplan  and the budget: Review the workplan on a regular basis to determine how we are progressing in terms of schedule and budget.For our project  thereview frequency  will be every two weeks.
Regularly forecast  resource usage .:identify activities that have been completed  during the previous time period and update the workplan to show they are finished.After the workplan has been updated,determine whether the project will be completed within the suitable resources ,original cost and duration.If not,determine a new way  to accelerate these activities . Doing so  we will ensure that  we are   fully utilizing the resources  we  have  and  that  we  have the right resources ready for the rest of the project. Regularly revisiting the resource forecast will help keep  our  project budget on track.
-Keeping the team informed  :  we  ‘ll always keep the project team informed of the project budget forecast. .Bank statements  will be sent to the coordinator  monthly.The coordinator will have to share it with  all of the partners
-monitor the budget :the budget will be monitored  in these ways:
 -The coordinator country ‘s school will keep regular checks on the incoming and outgoings of the project.
-A budget code  (which will be used  just for  the project )  will be set up .
-All the receipts  for  all  transactions  such as travel,accommodation will be kept  for monitoring purposes.
-When the planning work is occuring,the project team  will identify all known risks.For each risk,we should be ready for controlling it.The risks which are  called high risks  should  have  specific  plans so that they do not, in fact , occur.Medium risks should be evaluated to see whether they need to be proactively managed.Low level risks may be called as assumptions.That is,There is potential risk involved ,but we are assuming  that the positive outcome is much more probable.Some risks are inherent  in a complex project that  affects every person in the  organisation.Other risks may include not having the right level of expertise,unfamiliarity with the technology and problems integrating smootly with existing products or equipment.

How will the quality of the project's activities and results be monitored and evaluated? 
The quailty  of the  project’s  activities and results will be  monitored and avaluated   in these ways:
A monitoring and evaluation plan will be prepared  as an integral part of the project design.Those responsible for project  design must:
-construct baseline date describing the problems to be addressed
-clarify  project objectives
-set  specific project targets in accordance with the objectives
-establish consensus among the partners on the specific indicators to be used for monitoring and evaluation purposes
-define the types and  sources of data needed and the  methods of data collection and analysis requred based on the indicators
-reach agreement on how the information generated will be used
-specify the format ,frequency and distribution of reports
-establish the monitoring and evaluation Schedule
-assign responsibilities for monitoring and evaluation
-provide an adequate budget for monitoring and evaluation.
The healthyANDhappy project  will be developed through  an etwinning project  with the same subject and same partners  and through  its own blog,a closed group in facebook. Through these  communication tools ,people from all over the world will have the opportunity to watch  at project videos and at the end,they will be able to watch the completed movie.They also will be able to  have more information about our project.
At the end of the project,the completed movie will be put onto a DVD and it will be given to all participants.The presentation event will be  advertised through the schools , students,teachers ,parents local media.Prospective students will be made aware of the activities that have been undertaken  through  open days.All other aspects of the Project will also be presented at  partner schools.
-Spesific  activities are
-video 1(duration 5 minutes)about healthy lifestyles will be created  during the mobility in September 2014 in Turkey
-A food carnival will be organized and a booklet will be prepared during the mobility in September in 2014 Turkey
-video 2(duration 5 minutes)about healthy lifestyles will be created  during the mobility in November 2014 in Greece
-A cookbook about healthy meals and food will be prepared and published during the mobility in November in 2014  Greece
-video 3(duration 5 minutes)about healthy lifestyles will be created  during the mobility in March 2014 in Spain
-A song clip about healthy life and healthy food will be prepared during the mobility in March 2015 in Spain
-a trekking trip will be organized by Czech Republic during the transnational meeting in September 2015
--video 4(duration 5 minutes)about healthy lifestyles will be created  during the mobility in June 2015 in Poland
-a glossary will be prepared and published during the mobility in June 2015 in Poland
-A short trip ill be organized to the city Pioppi related the project topic in March 2016
- video  5 :the film will be created in March 2016 in Italy.
-a walking competition will be organized in May 2016 in Romania during the transnational meeting

There will be on-going evaluation throughout the whole of the project.After each transnational meeting,an evaluative questionnaire will be given  which will have a set list of questions.(this will be devised during this planning stage.
The results will be gathered  by the country to do so who will publish them on the blog. Any immediate issues will be adressed through emails  after the visit.At the next visit, there will be a meeting held on the first day ( in which the previous meet and evaluation from ) will be discussed.
An agenda for  this will be produced by the coordinator based upon the previous meets,evaluation and tasks are to be set for  the coming meeting. The quality of the Project will be reviewed to ensure that we are maintaining the high Standard and goals that we are expecting to achieve.
Each country will be allocated a specific task from which they are to report back about at each meeting.In addition  to all of these ;partners who  will join an international project  for  the first time,will have the opportunity to improve  their personal and professional  development thanks to this project.

Which activities and indicators of achievement (quantitative and qualitative) will you put in place in order to assess whether and to what extent, the project reaches its objectives and results?

Our main goal  in designing this Erasmus+ project  is to ensure that the experience is positive for all participants.For this reason;we have sheduled by consensus a set of common quidelines for all partners  providing information on how to face any situation that may be problematic and thus ensure effective management  of crisis and avoid a possible conflict. The communication (via etwinning  platform,emails and  skype  meetings)  between the partners has been very well from the very beginning and this fact quarantees our degree of involvement ,effectiveness and collaboration.The Project team  also  started to work in an etwinning  project in the same name and same  topic.(healthyANDhappy) to introduce themselves,their hometowns  , c ountries  and documents related to the project topic.
First we have worked to prevent any kind of mishap and have protocols to carry out in case it happens an unexpected event . All participants of our project  know  how to react and who to contact espacially in the case of being in a host country.
A  contract is to be drawn up which will cover all aspects of the project,specifically all financial concerns.
All the participants of the project  will be aware of their roles and responsibilities  as will be st out in the application.Meeting will be held at each visit with a agenda that has been decided upon beforehand being discussed.Minutes of meetings and action plans will be broadcast.
Primarily  all depictions will be decided through a vote,with each country involved having a single vote.If this  should  be inconclusive,,then the coordinator of the Project will maket he final decision.This will also be identified in the contract.A second person will be selected from the project team  who will take over should there be any problems with the coordinating country
All necessary documentation will also be made for  mobilities.To ensure that students understand  and accept the rules of conduct,a common  consent document will be prepared for all countries  and parents  must sign in.Thus,all parts have defined their roles and responsibilities.An action plan in case of conflict will  establish who  is responsible in case of emergency,who will be the contact information responsible and what is the responsability those involved.

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